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Kim Joon, one of Korea's most notable young contemporary artists, creates digital prints exploring themes of desire, memory and youth using porcelain and tattoos as his digital mediums. He fabricates compositions out of tableware, fragments of idealized nudes, and icons of Western pop culture, including guitars, cars and guns. A master of the computer software 3D Studio Max, Kim successfully juxtaposes old and new, traditional Asian motifs and new media

Kim Joon’s works have been exhibited at the Saatchi Gallery, London (where his work was featured on the cover of the book Korean Eye: Contemporary Korean Art, which accompanied the exhibition); Total Museum, Seoul, Korea; The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Kwachon, Korea; and the National Taiwan Museum.

A tattoo image by Kim Joon was featured on the cover the December 2012 issue of ARTnews.

Financial Times | How To Spend It
Financial Times | How To Spend It
Korea Driven December 2015

South Korea is finally being recognised as one of Asia's leading creative powerhouses by the international art world.

Asian Art News
Asian Art News
Kim Joon at Sundaram Tagore Gallery August 2015

The immediate fascination with works by Korean digital artist Kim Joon is its ready familiarity, even as it is far from the quotidian, but edgily surreal and disturbing.

Sundaram Tagore 把文化藏於家中 January 2014

Sundaram Tagore 位於半山的大宅,猶如小型藝術館,當中有畫作、雕塑、在屋內各據一方,藝術家來自世界各地,以藝術創作展開跨越時空的文化對話。他已大半生的時間收藏藝術品,有籍藝術作品認識各地文化,由此為人生帶來最大的快樂。

泰戈爾後人 「藝術是歷史解碼器」 October 2013

「當我們大為謙卑的時候,便是我們最接近偉大的時候。(We come nearest to the great when we are great in humility)」這是曾獲諾貝爾文學獎的印度大文豪泰戈爾(Rabindranath Tagore)讓人耳熟能詳的名句。他周遊列國,與徐悲鴻、譚雲山為友,對促進東西文化最落力,描寫也最為細膩,甚至影響中國一代詩風。個半世紀後,泰戈爾對文化融通的深層視野仍然像基因遺傳在第五代子孫 Sundaram Tagore 的血液裏。「當我曾曾祖父拿到諾貝爾文學獎後,把獎金都捐到大學去,他深信人道主義(humanity)而非民族主義(nationalism)會令世界變好。我也深受影響,藝術不是商品也不只講求美輪美奐,最重要是有沒有達到歷史解碼的功能。」Sundaram Tagore這印度大文豪之後如是說。他更侃侃而談「文化衝擊」作為自己收藏和經營事業的單一準則與品味。

Blouin Artinfo/Modern Painters
Blouin Artinfo/Modern Painters
500 Best Galleries Worldwide July 2013

Sundaram Tagore Gallery has been named one of the top galleries in the world by Blouin Artinfo and Modern Painters magazine.

Ink Side Out December 2012

Visual artists are not only dropping tattoo imagery and techniques into their art, but are also gaining mainstream exposure for it.

The Wall
The Wall
The India Art Fair JANUARY 2012

Sundaram Tagore has put together a dynamic selection of art work by bringing Kim Joon and Sebastian Salgado to India.

Art Collection +Design
Art Collection +Design
Interview of Sundaram Tagore Gallery Establisher SEPTEMBER 2011

Established in 2000 in New York and with branches in Beverly Hills and Hong Kong, Sundaram Tagore Gallery was the first international gallery to open in Hong Kong.

Asia Week New York March 2011

Sundaram Tagore Gallery will present a group exhibition, "Facing East’, of works that transcend cultural boundaries while reflecting Eastern elements. The show represents artists of Korean, Indian, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Uzbeki-Israeli origins. These works define an aesthetic language of East-West dialogue, featuring artists Kim Joon, Nathan Slate Joseph, Sohan Qadri, Hiroshi Senju, Robert Yasuda, Nhat Tran, Amina Ahmed, and Taylor Kuffner. Through their works, these artists struggle to create a sense of beauty that is universal through a wide range of mediums.

Gallery Guide
Gallery Guide
Lee Waisler - About Faces March 2011

For his second solo exhibition in Hong Kong, California-based American painter Lee Waisler presents a series of moving portraits of historical and contemporary figures. Having practiced abstraction for decades, Waisler returned to figuration full-force six years ago, making what he calls "dimensional portraits," combining strips of wood and blocks of color to create nuanced faces and figures.

West East Magazine
West East Magazine
The Kim Joon Intrusion July 2010

"Art to humanity, like hope to life, is the purpose of being, the main cog of an apparatus; convincing eyes and souls that dreams exist to be shaped, desires to be fulfilled, taboos to be wrecked. In between political and commercial propaganda, some artists find their place amidst a realm of the non sequitur. Kim Joon is an artist of this kind. Ren Wan loses grip of herself amidst Kim Joon’s beguiling imagery. "

Living Galleries
Living Galleries
Sundaram Tagore Gallery - Hong Kong July 2010

"Sundaram Tagore Gallery opened its doors in 2000 with a mission to foster the exchange of ideas between different cultures. With three locations in New York, Hong Kong and Beverly Hills, the stable of transnational artists straddles the terrain of east and west. The artists fail from such countries as India, Japan, Korea, , Uzbekistan, Mexico, Europe and America. The galleries have become known for cultural activities and collaborative events across the world."

Asian Art News
Asian Art News
Kim Joon at Sundaram Tagore Gallery January / February 2010

"Korean artist Kim Joon has an enduring interest in hidden desires. Using animation photography Kim makes templates of three-dimensional human figures, which he then embellishes with bright tattoo designs. There is a striking visual quality to Kim's work that owes a great debt to his training as a painter."

Asia Tatler
Asia Tatler
Tattoo and Taboo December 2009

Tattoos are taboo in Korea - but it's a Korean artist named Kim Joon that's become well versed in the art of body painting.

Video: Korean artist Kim Joon and his show 'Tattoo and Taboo' November 2009

Korean artist Kim Joon explores the human skin as an extension of canvas and tattoos as a manifestation of human desire.

Weekend Weekly
Weekend Weekly
Luxury Brands Embedded Upon Human Bodies November 2009

"Having exhibited widely across the world, this is Kim Joon's first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. The Korean artist uses digital printing techniques to superimpose images upon nude bodies, creating colorful body tattoos. When you look closer at the artworks, you discover that various luxury brands including Westwood and Ferragamo are embedded on the bodies."

A Vibrant Platform for Modern and Contemporary Art September 2009

"The Art section of Hong Kong International Art and Antiques Fair 2009 will feature exceptional works by celebrated artists in a diversity of artistic styles and media. Sundaram Tagore Gallery of New York, Beverly Hills and Hong Kong will show work that encourages a dialogue between the East and West. Featured artists include Hiroshi Senju(Japan), Sohan Qadri (India) and Kim Joon (Korea) along with Susan Weil (USA), Natvar Bhavsar (India)."

Art Radar Asia
Art Radar Asia
Korean Eye exhibition in Saatchi Gallery London extended due to popularity August 2009

There is perhaps no greater indicator of changing tastes in London's contemporary art scene and the West's hunger for fresh cultural and artistic influences than the masses of people who came to witness the 'Korean Eye: Moon Generation' Exhibition, which showcases the finest contemporary Korean art at the renowned Saatchi Gallery in London.

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