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Chun Kwang Young职业生涯开始为画家,1990年代中期开始进行一系列纸雕塑实验,作品的规模与复杂性随年月演变。其标志性技术由童年时看到草药以桑树纸包裹成小包装所启发出来。 Chun的创作巧妙地融合了韩国传统的技术、素材,和情感,同时自由地注入他从西方教育中体验的概念元素。


Chun Kwang Young于首尔弘益大学取得美术学士学位,及后于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城艺术学院取得美术硕士学位。他的作品珍藏于多所公共收藏机构,包括纽约洛克菲勒基金会、纽约联合国总部、华盛顿特区伍德罗·威尔逊国际学者中心、宾夕法尼亚州费城社会大厦、韩国国立现代美术馆首尔分馆、首尔艺术博物馆、堪培拉澳洲国家美术馆、伦敦维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆,和马耳他国家美术博物馆。




1944年生于韩国Hongchun |现居韩国城南市,并以此为创作基地。

Whitehot Magazine
Whitehot Magazine
Chun Kwang Young at Sundaram Tagore Gallery May 2018

Straddling two traditions, both Western and Korean, the other-worldly assemblages of Chun Kwang Young evoke the surface of celestial planets or perhaps formations at the bottom of the sea.

Artnet News
May 9, 2018
Artnet News
How One Artist Uses Mulberry Paper to Express his Korean Roots May 9, 2018

For some artists, materials are merely a means for telling a story. For others, like Chun Kwang Young, the story is the materials themselves.

The Artling
The Artling
Acclaimed Korean Artist Chun Kwang Young at Sundaram Tagore Chelsea April 20, 2018

A solo exhibition by acclaimed Korean artist Chun Kwang Young at Sundaram Tagore Gallery.
