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郑路 (Zheng Lu)出身于文人家庭,他的反重力金属雕塑深受儿时学习中国传统书法的影响。他以语文作为图像元素,引用中国富历史意义的诗词歌赋,于不锈钢雕塑上雕刻过千字符。


郑路2003年毕业于沉阳鲁迅美术学院雕塑系。 2007年获取北京中央美术学院雕塑系硕士学位,在校期间曾远赴巴黎,于法国国立高等美术学院深造。郑路曾于中国及世界各地举办不同展览,包括耶路撒冷Museum on the Seam、莫斯科叶卡捷琳娜文化基金会、摩纳哥海洋博物馆、巴黎麦约美术馆、中国国家博物馆、上海龙美术馆,及上海多伦现代美术馆。 2015年,郑氏于台北最主要艺术机构之一的台北当代艺术馆举行个人展览。

出生于内蒙古赤峰市,1978年 | 现居北京,并以此为创作基地。

Sculpture by Zheng Lu Installed in Jersey Waterfront Plaza on the Channel Islands
Public Installation
Sculpture by Zheng Lu Installed in Jersey Waterfront Plaza on the Channel Islands

We are pleased to announce that we have placed a twenty-three-foot tall sculpture by Being-based gallery artist Zheng Lu on Jersey in the Channel Islands. The stainless-steel sculpture, which recalls a sail buffeted by the wind, is part of a luxury residential complex and was installed by the Jersey Development Company in 2023.

Sculpture by Zheng Lu Installed Adjacent to the United Nations in New York
Public Installation
Sculpture by Zheng Lu Installed Adjacent to the United Nations in New York

We are pleased to announce that Sundaram Tagore Gallery has placed a public art project with a powerful message about water adjacent to the United Nations. Undercurrent, 2023, a twenty-foot-tall stainless-steel sculpture by Beijing-based artist Zheng Lu (b. 1978), is on view through August 2024 in Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza.

Zheng Lu: Summoning Memories: Art Beyond Chinese Traditions at Asia Society Texas in Houston
Museum Exhibition
Zheng Lu: Summoning Memories: Art Beyond Chinese Traditions at Asia Society Texas in Houston

Sculpture by Beijing-based artist Zheng Lu is on view in Summoning Memories: Art Beyond Chinese Traditions, which highlights works by more than 30 contemporary artists of Chinese descent who reinterpret traditions in dynamic and innovative ways. Exibition on view from February 10 – July 2, 2023.

Click here for info.

郑路的雕塑作品将展出于吉尔曼军营艺术区 2017年1月13日

圣德拉姆泰戈尔画廊艺术家郑路将于吉尔曼军营艺术区安装大型雕塑,配合艺术区户外公共艺术项目Lock Route,并将于1月13日Art After Dark活动时开放予公众参与。雕塑作品为艺术家潮骚系列的创作,展期至6月30日。Lock Route艺术项目由吉尔曼军营艺术区委托,Khairuddin Hori策展,项目包括数件雕塑作品。

上海 展览日期:2016年10月28日 - 2016年12月21日

郑路首次于上海龙美术馆西岸馆的举行大型个人展览 - 耳且 ,展览将展出2016年全新的8组作品,在障碍之中探知阻力的美学。这是郑路自2015年台北当代艺术馆广获好评的大型个人展览后的另一展览。



