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HIroshi Senju (千住博)



Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #2

At World's End #2, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 76.3 x 102 inches/193.8 x 259 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #5

At World's End #5, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 63.8 x 63.8 inches/162 x 162 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #16

At World's End #16, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 89.5 x 71.6 inches/227.3 x 181.9 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #6

At World's End #6, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 76.3 x 102 inches/193.8 x 259 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #17

At World's End #17, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 89.5 x 71.6 inches/227.3 x 181.9 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #7

At World's End #7, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 71.6 x 89.5 inches/181.9 x 227.3 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #22

At World's End #22, 2017, folding screen, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 51.3 x 152.6 inches/130.3 x 387.6 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #11

At World's End #11, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 63.8 x 51.3 inches/162 x 130.3 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #18

At World's End #18, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 76.3 x 102 inches/193.8 x 259 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #12

At World's End #12, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 71.6 x 89.5 inches/181.9 x 227.3 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #20

At World's End #20, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 63.8 x 51.3 inches/162 x 130.3 cm

Hiroshi Senju, At World's End #23

At World's End #23, 2017, acrylic and natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper mounted on board, 68.2 x 35.5 inches/173.2 x 90.2 cm

Press Release







千住博2007年開始探索懸崖,原因是看到工作室地板上殘留的和紙,紙上摺痕形成類似岩石的紋理,因而受到啟發。兩年後,千住博於香港聖德拉姆泰戈爾畫廊展出首個懸崖系列個展 (自然界:懸崖與落水,2009年)。






千住博花了兩年多時間創作是次展出的作品,製作各種尺寸的繪畫,大部份作品尺寸從26 x 32英寸至90 x 72英寸,當中幾幅作品尺寸較特別,包括超越12英尺的全景折疊屏幕。

伴隨著懸崖是不同的世界景緻。 乍看起來,岩石地形令人感覺熟悉,然而那神秘的光芒照亮著背景,感覺恰似置身仙境。 也許這位藝術家將目光從瀑布轉移到懸崖之後,正尋求下一個領域:「我的興趣從懸崖上轉移至懸崖之外 – 究竟超越邊界的景觀會是怎樣?」




千住博是首位於威尼斯雙年展中獲得特別榮譽獎的亞洲藝術家(1995年),展覽遍及世界各地,包括倫敦當代藝術博物館1996年的Beauty Project、紐約日本文化協會2002年由Alexandra Munroe策展的The New Way of Tea展覽、2003年於東京國立博物館展出屏風畫,及2015年的威尼斯國際藝術雙年展官方延伸展覽 Frontiers Reimagined。近期,他獲日本外務省授予外務大臣表彰,表揚其作品對日本藝術的重要貢獻。




他創作的裝置藝術包括為著名佛寺“大德寺”的聚光院伊東別院完成77幅壁畫,和為東京羽田機場客運大樓創作的大型瀑布。此外,由安藤忠雄設計的日本直島貝尼斯藝術空間,亦收藏了千住博的兩幅大型作品。2009年,Skira Editore發表了以其名字為題的千住博創作專集




是次展覽附設四十八頁展覽目錄,並由日本直島貝尼斯藝術空間國際藝術總監及2017年日本橫濱三年展聯合總監(藝術)Akiko Miki撰文。她也是巴黎東京宮前總監及高級策展人。
