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Kamolpan Chotvichai



Suffering, 2014, C-print and hand-cut canvas, 53.9 x 32.3 inches/136.9 x 82 cm

Suffering, 2014, C-print and hand-cut canvas, 53.9 x 32.3 inches/136.9 x 82 cm

Atta (self), 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 48.5 x 44 inches/124 x 112 cm

Atta (self), 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 48.5 x 44 inches/124 x 112 cm

Citta (mind), 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 37.3 x 49.5 inches/95 x 126 cm

Citta (mind), 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 37.3 x 49.5 inches/95 x 126 cm

In Between, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas. 32.5 x 90 inches, 83 x 230 cm

In Between, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas. 32.5 x 90 inches, 83 x 230 cm

Ignorance, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 51 x 37.3 inches/130 x 95 cm

Ignorance, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 51 x 37.3 inches/130 x 95 cm

Loss, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 43.7 x 42.5 inches/111 x 108 cm

Loss, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 43.7 x 42.5 inches/111 x 108 cm

Faceless, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 43.8 x 34.3 inches/111 x 87 cm

Faceless, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 43.8 x 34.3 inches/111 x 87 cm

Blinded, 2015, inkjet print and hand-cut canvas, 30.1 x 43.5 inches/77 x 111 cm

Blinded, 2015, inkjet print and hand-cut canvas, 30.1 x 43.5 inches/77 x 111 cm

Blankness, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 43.3 x 40.5 inches/110 x 103 cm

Blankness, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 43.3 x 40.5 inches/110 x 103 cm

Desolation, 2015, inkjet print and hand-cut canvas, 43.5 x 44 inches/111 x 112 cm

Desolation, 2015, inkjet print and hand-cut canvas, 43.5 x 44 inches/111 x 112 cm

Melancholy, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 40.9 x 30.4 inches/104 x 77 cm

Melancholy, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 40.9 x 30.4 inches/104 x 77 cm

Tension, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 36.5 x 97.1 inches/92.7 x 246.7 cm

Tension, 2015, C-type print and hand-cut canvas, 36.5 x 97.1 inches/92.7 x 246.7 cm

Press Release

新加坡聖德拉姆泰戈爾畫廊隆重呈獻泰國曼谷新興藝術家Kamolpan Chotvichai個人藝術展,以自身的佛教背景,創作一系列人物肖像作品。是次展覽聯同第五屆新加坡國際攝影節協辦,並為Gillman Barracks四週年紀念週末揭開序幕,於9月23日Art After Dark活動結束後正式開幕。


Kamolpan Chotvichai以照片為基礎的自畫像關注身份和性別的問題。她挑戰一般紙張和畫布的局限性,細心地切割出自己身體的圖像,沿著各個部分創作為彎曲的絲帶。根據佛教教義的理解,Chotvichai抹去自己的身份,面孔以至身體形態,透過此過程放棄依戀她的身體。






Kamolpan Chotvichai 1986年生於曼谷,於曼谷Silpakorn大學取得美術碩士學位。她曾獲頒無數獎項和獎學金,包括曼谷第58屆全國美展金獎(2012年)。


本年,她的作品成為倫敦薩奇畫廊 Thailand Eye 藝術展的其中重點藝術品,此展覽為英國首個當代泰國藝術大型作品展。其創作獲選中為展覽場刊的封面作品,其他展覽作品包括泰國著名藝術家Rirkrit Tiravanija、Navin Rawanchaikul及Udomsak Krisanamis的創作。Thailand Eye 藝術展也曾於2016年假曼谷藝術及文化中心展出。


2015年, Kamolpan Chotvichai是參與第56屆威尼斯國際藝術雙年展官方延伸展覽 Frontiers Reimagined 中最年輕的藝術家,該展覽展出於Museo di Palazzo Grimani,並獲 The Art Newspaper 評為雙年展中五個最好的展覽之一。


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