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Edward Burtynsky


, Edward Burtynsky, Alfalfa Farms, Imperial Valley, Southern California, 2009, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm Edition 1/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Cerro Prieto Geothermal Power Station, Baja Mexico, 2012, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 3/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Kumbh Mela #1, Haridwar, India, 2010, Chromogenic color print, 99 x 132 cm, Edition 1/9
, Edward Burtynsky, Kumbh Mela #3, Allahabad, India, 2013, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 1/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Marine Aquaculture #1, Luoyuan Bay, Fujian Province, China, 2012, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 1/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Verona Walk, Naples, Florida, USA, 2012, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 2/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Marine Aquaculture #3, Luoyuan Bay, Fujian Province, China, 2010, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 2/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Marine Aquaculture #2, Luoyuan Bay, Fujian Province, China, 2012, Chromogenic color print, 84.6 x 203.2 cm, Edition 2/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Mount Edziza Provincial Park #3, Northern British Columbia, Canada, 2012 Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 1/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Mount Edziza Provincial Park #2, Northern British Columbia, Canada, 2012, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 2/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Owens Lake #1, California, USA, 2009, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 1/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Pivot Irrigation #1, High Plains, Texas Panhandle, USA, 2011, Chromogenic color print, 152.4 x 203.2 cm, Edition 4/12
, Edward Burtynsky, Pivot Irrigation/ Suburb, South of Yuma, Arizona, 2011, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 4/12
, Edward Burtynsky, Polders, Grootschermer, The Netherlands, 2011, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 2/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Salinas #2, Cadiz, Spain, 2013, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 2/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Sewage Treatment Plant #1, London, United Kingdom, 2010, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 1/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Shasta Lake Reservoir, Northern California, USA, 2009, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 1/6
, Edward Burtynsky, Thjorsa River #1, Iceland, 2012, Chromogenic color print, 122 x 162.6 cm, Edition 2/6

Press Release

加拿大著名攝影師Edward Burtynsky將於新加坡舉行首個個人藝術展,呈獻全新的彩色照片系列 — 水。

Edward Burtynsky以壯觀宏偉的工業景觀攝影而聞名。2007年起開始拍攝全新系列 — 水,是至今最龐大的攝影工程項目,記錄人類大規模生產及消耗全球食水供應的影響。


為配合本次展覽,Edward Burtynsky將聯同聖德拉姆泰戈爾畫廊於新加坡首度放映獲獎紀錄片Watermark,詳細記錄他拍攝「水」系列的點滴。

Edward Burtynsky的作品收藏於世界各地超過50多間博物館,包括紐約現代藝術博物館、紐約索羅門古根漢博物館、巴黎法國國立圖書館、倫敦攝影師畫廊、倫敦維多利亞與亞伯特博物館,及紐約水牛城公共美術館等。

Edward Burtynsky 曾獲2005年TED大獎的殊榮。2006年獲頒加拿大的最高平民榮譽勳章。他一共擁有六個榮譽博士學位,其他榮譽包括國家雜誌獎、MOCCA紐約獨立漫畫節大獎、亞爾國際攝影展拓展獎及Applied Arts雜誌書籍獎。2007年,Burtynsky為獲獎紀錄片Manufactured Landscapes的主角,並於聖丹斯國際電影節播放。他與屢獲殊榮的電影製作人Jennifer Baichwal及Nick de Pencier合作的最新紀錄片Watermark,於2013年多倫多國際電影節作首影。


如欲查詢詳情,請電郵至,或致電+65 6694 3378,以獲取更多資訊。

Edward Burtynsky
Edward Burtynsky
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Photographer Edward Burtynsky talks about his latest and most ambitious project, Water.

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Water colours March 2014

As award winning Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky makes his solo SIngapore debut this month, he shares some of the best shots from his latest series, Water.
