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Miya Ando (安藤美夜)



, Miya Ando, Ephemeral Red, 2013, Dye, pigment, lacquer, resin on aluminum plate, 36 x 36 inches
, Miya Ando, Gold Kimono, 2013, hand-dyed anodized aluminum, 22 karat gold leaf, 52 x 40 inches
, Miya Ando, Sui Getsu Ka 5, 2011, Dyed aluminum, 24 x 24 inches
, Miya Ando, Blue Purple diptych, 2013, Hand-dyed anodized aluminum, 48 x 48 inches
, Miya Ando, Sui Getsu Ka 7, 2011, Dyed aluminum, 24 x 24 inches
, Miya Ando, Ephemeral Indigo 4, 2013, Dye, pigment, lacquer, resin on aluminum plate, 36 x 36 inches
, Miya Ando, Akari Light 5-40 AM, 2013, Hand-dyed anodized aluminum,
, Miya Ando, Hakanai Fleeting (Orange).jpg, 2013, Hand-dyed anodized aluminum, 48 x 24 inches
, Miya Ando, Indigo triptych 2, 2013, Hand-dyed anodized aluminum, 24 x 72 inches
, Miya Ando, Ephemeral Green, 2013, Dye, pigment, lacquer, resin on aluminum plate, 36 x 36 inches
, Miya Ando, Sui Getsu Ka 8, 2011, Dyed aluminum, 24 x 24 inches

Press Release

安藤美夜 (Miya Ando)是以紐約為中心的新興藝術家,將於香港舉辦首個個人藝術展,展出全新系列的輕金屬作品。她是備前劍製造商的後裔,小時候在日本岡山縣一座寺廟中成長,與佛教僧人劍匠一起生活,後來遷居於加州,現於美國布魯克林工作。她巧妙地結合祖先的傳統技術與現代工業技術,靈巧地把光潔的不銹鋼及電鍍鋁轉換成短暫而泛著微妙色彩層次的抽象畫。




安藤美夜於加州大學伯克萊分校取得東亞研究的學士學位,並於美國耶魯大學修讀佛教意象及圖象。大學畢業後,她到日本著名的鐵匠Hattori 工作室當學徒,2009年到北加州公共藝術學院進行實習。她曾獲頒多個獎項,包括2013年布朗克斯藝術博物館「藝術家與市場」藝術獎,及2012年波洛克-克拉斯納基金會的藝術資助。她的作品曾於世界各地展出,包括近期由Nat Trotman策展於紐約索羅門古根漢博物館舉行的展覽。安藤美夜多次受委託為公共場所創作,當中最引人注目的是位於倫敦高達30英尺的雕塑,由世界貿易中心的鋼材所建成,以紀念美國9.11事件十週年。Miya Ando現居於紐約。

Miya Ando (安藤美夜)
Miya Ando (安藤美夜)
Miya Ando (安藤美夜)
Miya Ando (安藤美夜)
Light Metal
Asian Art News
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Miya Ando at Sundaram Tagore Gallery March/April 2014

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The Standard
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Woman of Steel: Miya Ando’s solo debut in Hong Kong March 2014

Brooklyn-based artist Miya Ando shares the unusual combination of traditional Japanese techniques and individual innovations that went into creating her recent body of work, displayed in her first solo exhibition “Light Metal” in Hong Kong.

South China Morning Post / 48 Hours
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When many layers make light work February 2014

In her solo exhibition at Sundaram Tagore Gallery, Ando has a selection of her abstract paintings on burnished steel and anodised aluminium.

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Miya Ando at Sundaram Tagore Gallery January 2014

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