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Summer Group Show


, Sohan Qadri, Untitled, 2007, ink and dye on paper, 55 x 39 inches
, Lee Waisler, Lincoln, 2007, mixed media on canvas, 60 x 48 inches
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall, 2012, natural pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 44 1/8 x 76 5/16 x 1 3/16 inches
, Nathan Slate Joseph, Rajasthan Blue, 2006, pure color pigment on galvanized steel, 48 x 36 x 2 inches
, Kim Joon, Cradle Song-Ferragamo, 2009, digital print, 63 x 31 inches
, Golnaz Fathi, Untitled, 2006, acrylic and pen on canvas, 39.4 x 70.9 inches
, Hakim Ghazali, Untitled, 2005, mixed media on canvas, 59.1 x 59.1 inches
Robert Polidori, Señora Faxas Residence, Miramar No. 3, Havana, Cuba, 1997, Fujicolor Crystal Archive print mounted to Dibond, 40 x 50 inches. Photographs © Robert Polidori
, Miya Ando, Night Yoru grid, 2013, hand-dyed anodized aluminum,
, Ahmad Moualla, Untitled, 2010, acrylic on canvas, 23.6 x 78.7 inches
, Ricardo Mazal, Black Mountain MK 10, 2014, oil on linen, 40 x 42 inches

Press Release

本次展覽以超越文化邊界的藝術家的繪畫和照片為特色。 這個展覽中包括的畫家,雕塑家和攝影師在不同文化之間生活和工作,給他們全球視角的工作一個動態。 內容,技術和媒介的多樣性證明了畫廊的長期使命,這是火花的跨文化對話。 包括Fernando Botero,Golnaz Fathi,Hakim Ghazali,Kim Joon,Nathan Slate Joseph,Annie Leibovitz,Ricardo Mazal,Ahmad Moualla,Robert Polidori,Sohan Qadri,千住博 (Hiroshi Senju)和Lee Waisler。

藝術新聞(The Art Newspaper ) 號外
藝術新聞(The Art Newspaper ) 號外
當代絲路 August 2014

絲綢之路,自西漢張騫出塞,由中國長安和洛陽出發,橫貫歐亞,直通羅馬。途經中國,印度,波斯,伊斯蘭和希臘文化,象徵西方和非西方聞名的交匯。在由泰戈爾第五代傳人Sundaram Tagore於香港開的同名畫廊的「2014夏季聯展」(The Summer Group Show) 上, 延續了絲綢之路的精神,薈萃了當代非西方和西方的藝術思緒。
