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Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, 5th Floor, 939 Rama 1 Road, Wangmai, Pathumwan

Press Release

Please join Sebastião Salgado who will speak about his work on Wednesday, February 8, in the 5th floor auditorium of the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre. Please check the following website for updates:


Mr. Salgado is speaking on in conjunction with the first major presentation of his work in Thailand. The Royal Photographic Society of Thailand and Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre, in collaboration with Sundaram Tagore Gallery, are pleased to present Sebastião Salgado: The World Through His Eyes, an exhibition of iconic black-and-white images selected from the celebrated photographer’s most influential series: Workers (1986–1992), Exodus (1993–1999) and Genesis (2004–2011). A portfolio of prints titled Other Americas will also be on view.


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