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Tayeba Begum Lipi以针对女性边缘化作为主题,并以女性身体为主体,创作出不同的绘画、版画、录像及装置艺术。她最著名的雕塑作品,利用意想不到的素材,如剃刀刀片与安全针重新建构出各种家庭生活日常物品,包括浴缸、婴儿车、轮椅、梳妆台和女性内衣。选材富视觉吸引力及具挑衅性,阐述孟加拉妇女所遭受的暴力对待,同时展示国家未经发展地区中妇女分娩时所使用的工具。


2002年,Lipi与丈夫联合创办Britto Arts Trust基金会,致力为孟加拉艺术家提供展览、举办跨文化研讨会、工作坊及驻团的机会。


Tayeba Begum Lipi 1993年完成达卡大学美术学院的美术绘画硕士课程,2000年成为都柏林爱尔兰现代艺术博物馆的驻馆艺术家。 2003年,于孟加拉达卡的第11届亚洲艺术双年展获授予特等奖,2011年第54届威尼斯国际艺术双年展中,担任孟加拉展馆专员;2012年参与策展加德满都国际艺术节。 Lipi曾于达卡、新德里、伊斯坦堡和伦敦举办个人展览。此外,更参展2011年第14届雅加达艺术双年展、2012年斯里兰卡哥林堡艺术双年展,和2012年达卡艺术峰会。


1969年生于孟加拉戈伊班达 | 现居达卡并以此为创作基地

Work by Tayeba Begum Lipi on view at Thailand Biennale, Chiang Rai
Work by Tayeba Begum Lipi on view at Thailand Biennale, Chiang Rai

Tayeba Begum Lipi's artwork is on view at the Thailand Biennale from December 9, 2023, to April 30, 2024. The third edition of the Thailand Biennale is hosted in Chiang Rai under the theme "The Open World" and exhibits works by Thai and international artists. The works address topical issues such as history, cultural diversity, and nature and ecology and will be displayed in art galleries, exhibition halls, museums, temples, and historic sites in Chiang Rai. Installation image: Tayeba Lipi, Together, 2018, Stainless steel, Edition 3 of 3, 43 x 57 x 14 inches/109.2 x 144.8 x 35.6 cm


Click here for info.

Tayeba Begum Lipi in Being and Belonging: Contemporary Women Artists from the Islamic World and Beyond, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
Museum Exhibition
Tayeba Begum Lipi in Being and Belonging: Contemporary Women Artists from the Islamic World and Beyond, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto

Sculptural work by gallery artist Tayeba Begum Lipi is on view at the Royal Ontario Museum in a wide-ranging exhibition that includes emerging and established artists from around the world.


Click here for info.

Sculpture by Tayeba Lippi acquired by the Birmingham Museum of Art in Alabama
Museum Acquisition
Sculpture by Tayeba Lippi acquired by the Birmingham Museum of Art in Alabama

We are pleased to announce that gallery artist Tayeba Lippi’s work, Her Stilettos 2, 2019, has been acquired for the museum's collection.
