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Robert Yasuda的作品瀰漫着鮮明發光的色彩。這位夏威夷出生的藝術家通過一層又一層的壓克力顏料,以及在雕木加上極薄的紡織品,構成精緻又恰此建築物的表面,藉以研究難以捉摸的光線及人類感官的特質。透過燈光的變化及不同的觀賞角度,Yasuda的創作呈現多變的形式。他勇於挑戰傳統繪畫的界限,使其作品具浮動的特質。他把木板雕刻成不規則的形狀 --- 向上翹的銳角、柔和圓潤的邊緣,或是微微的曲線。Yasuda不斷突破傳統的繪畫框架,並引入嶄新的手法及結構,為創作內容上注入了新的概念。


Robert Yasuda曾於全球各地舉辦展覽,並曾獲頒美國國家藝術基金會及美國藝術文學院的藝術獎。他的作品珍藏於紐約布魯克林美術館、華盛頓國會圖書館、紐約公共圖書館、佛羅里達州邁阿密的巴斯藝術博物館、匹茲堡卡内基工学院,及德薩斯州聖安東尼奧麥克納夫人藝術博物館。

The New Yorker
The New Yorker
Forty July 12, 2016

A review of Forty, curated by Alanna Heiss, at MoMA PS1, featuring work by STG artist Robert Yasuda.

Art News
Art News
Review: Robert Yasuda June 2014

Longtime abstract painter Robert Yasuda's newest works verge on the lush, with an expanded palette, richer surface tonalities, and contours that are increasingly undulant, offering a more nuanced and fluid visual experience.

Blouin Artinfo
Blouin Artinfo
Interview with Robert Yasuda Februrary, 20

Artist Robert Yasuda talks with Blouin Artinfo about the work in his new exhibition, Make Haste Slowly.

Asia Week New York March 2011

Sundaram Tagore Gallery will present a group exhibition, "Facing East’, of works that transcend cultural boundaries while reflecting Eastern elements. The show represents artists of Korean, Indian, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Uzbeki-Israeli origins. These works define an aesthetic language of East-West dialogue, featuring artists Kim Joon, Nathan Slate Joseph, Sohan Qadri, Hiroshi Senju, Robert Yasuda, Nhat Tran, Amina Ahmed, and Taylor Kuffner. Through their works, these artists struggle to create a sense of beauty that is universal through a wide range of mediums.

Art News
Art News
Robert Yasuda September 2010

"Yasuda's paintings are like shields or tablets awaiting a future generation to record its history on them."

South China Morning Post
South China Morning Post
Preview: Here and Now at Sundaram Tagore Gallery March 2009

Art historian Sundaram Tagore's doctoral thesis looks at Indian artists' response to European modernisation from the 1940s to 1980s. As a curator, however, his focus is more on the here and now. Hence the title of his gallery's latest group exhibition by 18 international artists, which opens today at the Sundaram Tagore Gallery's Hong Kong branch.

South China Morning Post
South China Morning Post
City Reviews: In your Mind's Eye; Sundaram Tagore Gallery October 28, 2008

"...Less-colour-saturated but no less intuitive are the pieces by Natvar Bhavsar, who sprinkles pigment delicately on his canvases in an echo of Jackson Pollock, although the works' understated quality reflects a gentle Asian sensibility that's the opposite of the American painter's frenetic, ego-driven style..."
