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Day Falls/Night Falls

Day Falls/Night Falls


, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 102 x 76 5/16 inches/259.08 x 194 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall under ultraviolet light, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 102 x 76 5/16 inches/259.08 x 194 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Ryujin I, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 94 1/2 x 448 7/8 inches/240.03 x 1140.14 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Ryujin I under ultraviolet light, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 94 1/2 x 448 7/8 inches/240.03 x 1140.14 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju in his New York studio
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 70 7/8 x 51 1/8 inches/180.02 x 129.86 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall under ultraviolet light, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 70 7/8 x 51 1/8 inches/180.02 x 129.86 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Ryujin I, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 94 1/2 x 448 7/8 inches/240.03 x 1140.14 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Ryujin I under ultraviolet light, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 94 1/2 x 448 7/8 inches/240.03 x 1140.14 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju in his New York studio
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 71 9/16 x 89 1/2 inches/181.77 x 227.33 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall under ultraviolet light, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 71 9/16 x 89 1/2 inches/181.77 x 227.33 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 63 13/16 x 179 inches/162.08 x 454.66 cm.
, Hiroshi Senju, Waterfall under ultraviolet light, 2014, acrylic and fluorescent pigments on Japanese mulberry paper, 63 13/16 x 179 inches/162.08 x 454.66 cm.

Press Release

國際著名日本畫家千住博將於新加坡聖德拉姆泰戈爾畫廊舉行個人展覽,展出全新熒光瀑布畫作Day Falls/Night Falls





千住博是首位於威尼斯雙年展中獲得特別榮譽獎的亞洲藝術家(1995年),展覽遍及世界各地,包括倫敦當代藝術博物館1996年的Beauty Project、紐約日本文化協會2002年由Alexandra Munroe策展的The New Way of Tea展覽,及2003年於東京國立博物館展出屏風畫。同年,千住博為著名佛寺“大德寺”的聚光院伊東別院完成77幅壁畫。翌年,他擔任東京羽田機場的藝術總監,為機場創作了最大型藝術作品。此外,由安藤忠雄設計的日本直島貝尼斯藝術空間,亦收藏了千住博的兩幅大型作品。



新加坡藝術展Art Stage

Day Falls/Night Falls展覽的開幕週將與新加坡藝術週及新加坡藝術展Art Stage同時舉行。屆時千住博 (Hiroshi Senju)將於1月23日,星期五,下午12時30分至1時30分假Art Stage分享其藝術實踐歷程。講座歡迎公眾參與,毋須預先留座或購票。



如欲查詢有關展覽、藝術家講座、新加坡藝術展Art Stage,或記者招待會詳情,請電郵至,或致電+65 6694 3378,以獲取更多資訊。

Artist interview: Hiroshi Senju February 2015

Fans of the Fendi baguette will remember a series of one-off pieces created by various artists. One such bag by New York based Japanese artist Hiroshi Senju depicts a waterfall on the back, and is also the carrier of an environmental message.

Hiroshi Senju Debuts New Fluorescent Waterfall Paintings January 16, 2015

When asked about the motif that has occupied him for nearly 25 years—waterfalls—the celebrated Japanese artist Hiroshi Senju once explained: "I wanted to paint something that will not be old-fashioned after 1,000 years, a timeless landscape.”
